
Eu Number of Trade Agreements


The European Union (EU) is known for its extensive network of trade agreements with countries all over the world. As of August 2021, the EU has 47 trade agreements in force, with several others in the negotiation or ratification stage.

These trade agreements aim to promote economic growth and cooperation between the EU and its trading partners. They cover a wide range of sectors, including goods, services, investment, and intellectual property rights.

The EU`s largest trade agreements are with Canada, Japan, and South Korea. These agreements not only eliminate tariffs on goods and services but also provide for regulatory cooperation, intellectual property protection, and dispute settlement mechanisms.

In addition to these major agreements, the EU has also signed several regional agreements, including with the ASEAN countries, Mercosur, and the Gulf Cooperation Council.

One of the EU`s most recent agreements is the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, which was signed in December 2020 following the UK`s departure from the EU. This agreement provides for tariff-free trade in goods and sets out the framework for future cooperation in areas such as energy, transport, and fisheries.

The EU is also actively pursuing trade negotiations with several countries, including Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. These negotiations aim to further enhance the EU`s trade relationships and promote closer economic ties.

Overall, the EU`s network of trade agreements plays a significant role in promoting global trade and economic growth. As the EU continues to negotiate and ratify new agreements, it is likely that its already extensive network will continue to expand and evolve in the coming years.
